Monday, May 23, 2011

Reconizing a Palestinian State - J Street

On the eve of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s visit to Washington, more and more prominent Israelis are calling for recognizing a Palestinian state now and for negotiating with that state to achieve peace and security. They are calling it an “existential Israeli interest.”
Today, they ran unprecedented ads in Israeli papers making their case, signed by 18 retired generals and 27 winners of the prestigious Israel Prize, among others.
Their effort could not be coming at a more important time for Israel and the region.

With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressing a joint meeting of Congress on Tuesday and President Obama laying out his own Middle East strategy in a speech tomorrow, we've got to make sure decision makers in America, in Israel, and in the Palestinian territories hear their message loud and clear.

That's why we're running this groundbreaking ad verbatim in The New York Times. Can you help us raise the funds necessary to really amplify these immensely important, pro-peace Israeli voices? We've already raised more than $30,000 to fund our campaign, blowing past our original goal of $20,000 -- and we've set a new goal of raising $50,000 total to fund this effort.
Click here to make a gift of $36 and get us over the top.

We've pasted the ad's headline above. View the whole ad on our website by clicking here.

If you've already given, thank you. If you aren't in a position to give right now, you can still help by spreading the word. Just click below to share the ad via email, and on Facebook and Twitter.

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