This blog will have views from right, left and moderate Jews, if you are not capable of reading each others' take, please don't read.
The intellectual Jewish people like all others remain silent, where as the silencers are plenty. I was reading this posting on the facebook, of the ten people commenting, only one saw meaning in this. I wish the moderates and intellectuals have had this passion, then things will be better for the whole population.
Mike Ghouse
The intellectual Jewish people like all others remain silent, where as the silencers are plenty. I was reading this posting on the facebook, of the ten people commenting, only one saw meaning in this. I wish the moderates and intellectuals have had this passion, then things will be better for the whole population.
Mike Ghouse
Israeli Democracy: A Convenient Illusion

more hypocrisy than democracy. Rhetoric belies longstanding policy. Nothing
ahead suggests change.
exists in name only. Arundhati Roy calls India a “limbless, headless, soulless
torso left bleeding under the butcher’s cleaver with a flag driven deep into her
mutilated heart.”
the same. So is Israel. They’re pariah states. They’re rogue states. They abhor
fundamental freedoms. They prioritize war and instability. They deplore peaceful
conflict resolution.
an ethnocracy. It’s polar opposite democracy. Israeli leaders refer to “Jewish
democracy.” It’s Orwellian. Structural inequalities explain.
Arabs are citizens. They compromise 20% of the population. They can vote. They
can sit in parliament. They’re little more than potted plants.
alone have power. Arabs have no say. The Law of Return affords it solely to
Jews. Arabs are unwanted. They’re persecuted. Institutionalized racism denies
them equal rights.
and Entry in Israel legislation prohibits Israeli Arab spouses in Palestine or
abroad from entering Israel. Residency rights are forbidden. Families are
divided. They’re denied fundamental rights.
builds walls, not peace. Fortress Israel is policy. It assures permanent
conflict. It justifies occupation harshness. It assures continued
mocks resolving the longstanding Israeli/Palestinian conflict equitably. It’s a
distant dream.
its history, Israel spurned peace. It’s done it repeatedly. In 1949, it rejected
Arab states’ territorial concessions. They were offered in return for letting
100,000 displaced Palestinians come home.
same year Israel spurned Syria’s peace offer. Subsequent ones were rejected.
Nasser’s peace overtures were rebuffed.
hardline. It’s inflexible. It wants things its way. It demands. It doesn’t
negotiate. It’s all take and no give. It pretends otherwise.
the 1967 Six Day War, Palestinians wanted peace. They wanted an independent
state. Israel wanted none of it. Arafat was repeatedly rebuffed. Pre-Camp David,
so was Egypt’s Sadat.
1988, the PLO publicly recognized Israeli sovereignty. In 1993, it did again. It
did so within the Green Line. It comprises nearly 78% of historic Palestine.
wants it all. It wants all valued parts. It wants control of the rest. It wants
Palestinians denied all rights. It’s always been that way. It’s no different
leaders are hardline. Sharon was uncompromisingly rejectionist. Netanyahu
exceeds the worst of his extremism. Palestinians are between a rock and a hard
considered subhuman. Their rights don’t matter. They never did. They don’t now.
They’re demonized. They’re called terrorists.
schools indoctrinate Jewish children to be warriors. Textbooks call Arabs
hostile, deviant, primitive, cruel, immoral, and violent. Hateful language
describes them as “robbers,” “bloodthirsty,” and “killers.”
contrast, Jews are called industrious, brave, and superior. Notions of making
the desert bloom are taught. So is claiming God promised Israel solely to
land without people for a people without land” is grilled into impressionable
young minds. They’re manipulated to believe nonsense. They’re taught fiction,
not fact.
Ministry of Education sets guidelines and content. They reflect Jewish
exceptionalism, ethnocentrism and superiority. Arabs are deemed inferior.
They’re called purveyors of violence.
described as cruel, dirty and hateful. They’re vilified for not being Jews.
Children don’t understand. They’re taught to hate. It shows in how Israelis
treat Palestinians.
resolution remains a distant dream. So-called peace talks are fake. They’re
orchestrated to fail. They never succeeded before. They won’t this time.
August 14, they resume. They’ll do so in Jerusalem. Jericho will host a
follow-up meeting. Over 800 new settlement homes were announced at the same
August 11, Israel’s Housing Ministry announced the marketing of land for nearly
1,200 units. Nearly 800 are earmarked for East Jerusalem. All are on stolen
Palestinian land.
agreeing to talks, Abbas and other PA leaders knew about Israeli plans. They
agreed to proceed anyway. Imagine talking land for peace while valued
Palestinian areas are stolen.
agreeing to what demands condemnation. Imagine going along with a charade.
Imagine negotiating unconditional surrender. Imagine doing it with a world class
doing it under occupation harshness conditions. Imagine not negotiating ending
it. Imagine leaving issues mattering most off the table. Imagine pretending
a charade with the final outcome decided. Imagine betraying millions of
Palestinians who deserve better.
August 11, Haaretz editors
headlined “Settlements will continue to determine Israel’s future,” saying:
government will do anything it can to sabotage the talks with the
is no other way to interpret the Civil Administration’s endorsement of plans to
build 878 new housing units in secluded West Bank settlements.”
government will also forge ahead with creating facts on the ground, just in case
the talks get under way.”
addition of 91 settlements to Israel’s national priority areas attests to
Erekat’s chief Palestinian negotiator. He’s a longtime Israeli collaborator. He
pretends to care. His actions speak louder than words.
feigns concern. It’s in lockstep with the worst of Israeli policy. It’s done
nothing to stop lawless settlements. It supports occupation harshness. Whatever
Israel wants it gets. It’s longstanding policy.
Israel’s Greater Middle East Agenda matters most. According to Haaretz editors,
it’s “determined to battle anyone seeking to thwart this dream.”
any further proof’s needed of official “derangement, it’s the decision not to
sign the scientific cooperation agreement with the European Union as long as the
agreement is restricted to the 1967 borders.”
is the only country outside the European Union that was invited to join.”
to do so means sacrificing NIS 1.5 billion (over $350 million). Advancing
Israel’s imperium matters more.
members aren’t the only responsible parties. Opposition figures are guilty by
“silence.” So are academics and research institution officials.
unnamed Netanyahu associate claimed Israel “want(s) to find a creative
solution.” At issue signing the agreement while doing no harm.
there is no creative solution, wink or bluff that can prevent the tightening
closure on Israel,” said Haaretz editors.
seems the settlements will continue to determine Israel’s future.” Peace is a
convenient illusion. Palestinian betrayal is longstanding policy. Nothing’s
planned to change things. Business as usual continues.
Lendman lives in Chicago. He
can be reached at
new book is titled “Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on
his blog site at
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